The Latest

Here's what we've been working on.

Making Everything Better

November, 2024 Pneumatics have arrived! We've published our first session, including a lesson, some simulations, and some puzzles. Check it out!                  

October, 2024 29 countries around the world speak French, and now our LunchBox Sessions lessons do too. C'est génial!

August, 2024 We've added Spanish translations for our lessons. There is now a language selection option at the top of each lesson. ¡Feliz aprendizaje!

December, 2023 We've added French subtitles to our videos. Installez-vous!

November, 2023 We had so much material in Flow & Directional Control Valves that we had to split it into two sessions. If you're having trouble locating a lesson, simulation, video, or reference, don't forget about the handy search bar at the top of the Explore page!

November, 2023 We've added a bunch of references to our library of Hydraulics content. If you've wondered what's happening inside of a hand pump, why a cushioned cylinder slows at the end of stroke, or how a shuttle valve selects the highest pressure, we've made these building blocks of hydraulic systems even easier to understand. Each reference features a side-by-side view of the schematic symbol and graphic cutaway, without the extra complication of a hydraulic system around it.

July, 2023 Our videos now feature subtitles, available in English y en Español. ¡Que aproveche!

May, 2023 We just finished updating all 692 learning materials to make them more reliable for people with slow internet. If you ever spot any issues with our website, or have any ideas for cool features you'd like us to add, send them to

January, 2023 We've re-organized the Machinery topic with better accessibility on small screens in mind. Much of the content that used to be there can now be found under the new Stationary or Mobile topics.

December, 2022 In our Live Schematics, we've always used a  red color to indicate an active solenoid. We're changing this to a  purple color, so be on the lookout for that. Why make the change? Purple is the color we use to indicate a magnetic field, so it makes sense to use this color for an active solenoid.

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98.7% positive feedback this month. Nice.