How do Subteams work?

LunchBox Sessions offers a special feature for organizing your team members into isolated groups called Subteams. This feature is available for teams with 50 or more active members. Send an email to our support staff ( if you would like to request access to this feature.

After we have enabled the Subteams feature for your team, the Owner(s) of your team will be able to create subteams and assign your team members to them.

  • Only Owner-level team members have this ability — Managers and Instructors do not.
  • By default, your team will only have one Owner. If you want to designate additional Owners for your team, send an email to our support staff and we will assist you.

How to Create and Edit Subteams

Owners can access the Subteams feature from the Your Account page, in the Team Tools panel pictured here.

Once on the Subteams page, Owners will be able to see all existing subteams and create new ones. Each subteam has a name, and can contain any number of team members.

Click a subteam in the list to edit it. You'll be presented with a list of all the member accounts on your team, and you'll be able to toggle whether or not they are assigned to this subteam.

Additional Information

When someone is assigned to a subteam, they only see other people on that subteam, and not anyone else on your team. This lets you assign Managers and Instructors to have purview over a specific group of Learners, without having to deal with other Managers, Instructors, or Learners from outside their subteam.

When a Manager is assigned to a subteam, any new team members that they create are automatically added to that subteam.

Owners will always be able to see all team members. Managers and Instructors that aren't assigned to a subteam will only see other team members who are not assigned to a subteam.

You may create an unlimited number of subteams on your team. You may also assign team members to multiple subteams.

We can also set it up so that your team members are automatically assigned to subteams by country. If you'd like us to enable this feature, send an email to our support team.

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