Do you have any printable materials?

There are PDF Manuals and Workbooks in a number of the Hydraulic and Electrical sessions. They give you a little extra info about how to use our simulations, and a few extra challenges to make sure you understand each subject.

If you have an Instructor-level membership, there are also PDF Instructor's Guides with suggestions for how to teach using our materials. They're all sorted toward the bottom of each session, so as you're exploring be sure to scroll down past the Lessons and Simulations, down to where each session's Quiz lives.

One way to see all the printable materials at a glance is to use the Search box on the Explore Library page.

Just type Workbook, Manual, or Guide (if you're an Instructor), and all the matching PDF materials will appear.

If you're teaching with LunchBox Sessions, feel free to make as many printed copies as you like and hand them out to your students.

Note that most of these PDFs are a bit older than our Lessons and Simulations, so there might be some info in them that doesn't match the other learning materials. We are moving away from PDF-based materials, as we want to focus more on interactive technology, but for the time being we figure it's better to offer these PDFs even if they're a little dusty.

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