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  • Explain what normalizing is, and why it's done.
  • Complete sample normalizing problems using the normalizing equation.

What Is Normalizing?

Normalizing is the conversion of any standard instrumentation signal to a percentage of the controlled parameter, or vice versa.

This is so common in instrumentation that there is a formula for it.

Required Value = n% x (Span) + Lower Range Value

Not sure about Span and Range? Check out Range, Zero, & Span in the Sensors, Transducers, and Transmitters lesson.


Normalizing is important because you are almost always working with two different scales when using sensors to report data.

Measured Variable

Examples include

  • pressure
  • temperature
  • distance
Control Loop Range

Examples include

  • 4-20 mA
  • 1-5 V
  • 3-15 psi

"Normalizing" data just means converting it to a percentage, so that you can find its equivalent value on a different scale.

Let's walk through some examples!

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Vacuum Pressure
Drain Pressure
Low Pressure
Medium Pressure
High Pressure
Lowest Voltage
Medium Voltage
Highest Voltage
Magnetic Field
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